Besides our prospective buyers, our friends and visitors enjoy time with us at our beloved home
As is our tradition, we invited lots of Family and Friends to join us for some fun in the sun and a BBQ.
Our party began at 3pm and lasted until 11pm, lots of beer, burgers and music. Truly, a great way to kickoff Summer. Kids, as well as adults, enjoyed it all. Our guests enjoyed meeting new friends and catching up with old friends. Son John, and Anh, prepped and cooked.
Coming Events, Father’s Day .. Paul McCartney Concert and our 4th of July Big Bang .. I'll be updating our 4th of July video to include this year's Event
Sharing the Joy of Summer
2019 brought us the biggest bang, lots of fun Summertime Living. Besides our regular guests, we enjoyed lots of time with Sister Eve, as well as son John's friends (Andy and Jose).
Checkout our memories of Sister Eve's 3 weeks with us as Casa De Lorenzo