Be happy. Enjoy life. Help where you can. Those that care will always be there, despite time and distance. Remember those that cared for you now and forever. Trust in God.
We come into this world alone, and leave it alone. Life is a journey, Family and friends are with us for only part of it, but we must travel our path being the best we can be. Appreciate the time we share, but don't expect it to last forever. Caring is sharing, and all we can do is to share some of our blessings and try to help one another.
Most people enjoy the good times, but move on with their lives ... as they need to find their happiness. Few will spend much time or effort when the good times are past, but those that remain in our lives and remember us are few.
Sharing the burden thru life
Paulina and I have been together since 1982, sharing the good and bad that living life includes. We've done the best we can for our family and friends, and found the love for each other to provide the support needed to survive and succeed.
Be a team, together you can be more! Paulina, and son John, have helped us be all that we can be.
Salute , Cent' Anni !
Family First
Being There
Live for the present, plan for the future. Parents care and provide for family, with no real expectations. However, those that appreciate our efforts will always be there for us.
As in generations past, we have done the best we could for family and friends, and have tried to help provide for the future.
As Time Passes
Unfortunately, age, health, business and our upcoming family commitments will delay some of life's adventures, for some time in the future. I'm even slowing down on my FB activity ... lol. Often the things we have to do take precedence over life's adventures. However, enjoying life will always allow for family time together and the simple things of life.
Thankful for What We Do Have
My personal goals have been realized, Retired at 65, created our business and home as a legacy, enjoyed our post-retirement bucket list fun times, and most important, established a routine at home that allows for our daily living and accommodates our family and friends. Now, it's time continue to enjoy life's simple pleasures ... and enjoy our memories and The Good Life.
It's a Wonderful Life
Remember The Good Times
Appreciate your blessings, and remember the good times. All we can really hold onto are our memories. Reflect on the past, plan for the future. Aging helps us to slow down, reflect on the past and appreciate our home and family times.