My photo journal of life allows me to look back for memories sake, and enjoy lots of our fun again. I especially enjoy doing lots of video shows, which includes my love of food, photography, fun and lots of my music. I've been at it all since I was a kid, and enjoying life more than ever. Both our site, as well as my FaceBook pages allow me to post updates on a daily basis. As you might see, my website includes lots of pages and links to my memories. Many of the main headers include sub menus for related topics.
As time evolves, I add recent shows to both this site, as well as my YouTube libraries. The idea is to keep the site new as time goes by.
For the Good Times
Dawn of a New Day
Yesterday's gone, and today is a "present". With the passing of each year, I try to remember our adventures. Many of my memories are bitter/sweet. The photo above includes some fun times with my best friend, Jack Carlson, who passed in 2015. Paulina, Jack, Lorraine and I shared lots of fun over the years. I've included many if not all of our special times in my site. The photo was at one point in time a collage of the then current times. The main point is to capture (for posterity's sake) a snapshot periodically to show life as it evolves. Memories fade and become distorted, but photos show things as they really were and enhance our memories of the past. I encourage everyone to take and share your memories!
Jack was a member of one of the great Doo Wop groups. He enjoyed seeing lots of my many photos and shows and said that although he was part of much of that period's history and enjoyed times with many of the greats, he regretted not taking photos.
I will continue to update this particular page to include some of our more current exploits. As time passes, I will move the older material to our libraries and other pages.
We're getting on in years, but the spirit of youth is always with us. Come see our celebration of Paulina's 72nd birthday celebration. We're in our "swinging seventies" now and trying to enjoy our golden years as best we can. Although time is marching on, we're still doing our family times together. Here we reminisce about the day, but perhaps even more important, we're already talking about our plans for the rest of the year and beyond.
Look Back and Remember
Seeing recent times allows us to see the joy of living, and remember many of our family and friends that helped us celebrate life. Even with all my many shows, I try to do a quarterly and annul show for some of my favorite times. This helps me to remember our many blessings as well as our family and friends. Most of us have only a few precious friends who remain with us during our life, circumstances make changes to our circle of close friends. While we treasure our circle, the changes of life cause our circle to change without us even noticing the changes. Remember the good times and those that have been there for us all. Most important, move on with life!
Celebrate Every Day
Plan ahead, make every day important. Often, it's the little and simple things in life that we enjoy the most. Live to eat, love and share your blessings. Don't put anything important off, tomorrow may not come!
Enjoy what you have, and dream of tomorrow too.
Tomorrow may never come, enjoy today!
Making Dreams Come True
Plan ahead, it's better than letting life just happen. Now that we're retired we're excited about doing many new things and enjoying our dreams.
We're got some fun times ahead, son John's graduation, seeing old friends and family, our cruise to Alaska, and living our new home and summer place. You will see our memories being added as we continue on our journey.
We set our goals, and try to plan for it all. Be prepared to make changes as circumstances change and we age.
It's the journey, not the destination!
Brave New World
Never Grow Up
Don't be complacent. Dream of new adventures and exploits. Retirement often allows us to downsize or live a different type of life, enjoy new hobbies, make lifestyle changes and enjoy some of the sights we've often pined to see.
We're looking forward to our new 2nd home in the Adirondacks. This phase of our life will undoubtedly expand our horizons and enable us to see lots of new sights and make new acquaintances.