Everything's for sale (less what Son John and Paulina keep) 🎟😱☕️ We will be doing an online Estate Sale, and it begins this morning! Be aware it's predicated on our home selling or a hard date of April 1st! The inventory, valuation and photo work will begin shortly. 🤷♂️ Home contents expected to be approximately 20-25% of our cost 🤔 All items not sold will be donated to local charities 😇🎬😭👫 Our online Estate Sale is being held by a local company, check it out if you have an interest.
When I was 17 I dreamed of what life could be. Then, I spent most of my life trying to make it happen. And, it happened. However, most of my dreams were about building a family, home and business that could accommodate the best life it could be. My dad provided for us, as well as his grandchildren. My daughters Victoria and Nicole have long ago moved on with their lives and families. Son John has also now gotten his life underway and is assuming our remaining family business as well as his own, new endeavors. He, too, sees the time, effort and expense with maintaining our current lifestyle as too costly in terms of time, effort and expense. So, it's time to divest ourselves of all the unnecessary items that were so important until now. Now, we realize that we just don't need what we thought we did. So, we have become determined to re-think and re-do it all. We've almost totally gotten out of our real estate endeavors .. with only a few investments remaining. And now, we're selling our home in Tucson, my beloved Mercedes, as well as most of our personal belongings. With all of the proceeds going back into our bond investments. The only real remaining other item is my Dad's home. However, since my nephew Rod is using it, we won't be doing anything about it. Simply put, son John will either live in it or consider selling it when the time comes. While my old home in Forest Hills Gardens, NY holds lots of memories, it no longer serves any real purpose. Simply put, we're putting as much of our assets into the family trust for son John and his decedents. Paulina and I realized that we not only found a "Summer Place", but that we especially enjoyed the layback, simple life and time filled with the great outdoors. We especially realized that it already has what we need, with some minimum work/improvements yet to be done. We're considering the possibility of upgrading our house #1 and/or in building a log cabin, but even those are now viewed as "nice to haves" rather than real needs. It's amazing, even to us, just how little we really need. Our taxes are $8,000/yr and our now greatly reduced living expenses will allow us to maximize our income/savings potential. Having worked and substantially increased our net worth, we are now about "wealth management" rather than "wealth building". We're reducing our income/growth potential but actually doing better because of our simple needs vs grand lifestyle. This lesson was also a theme of my Dad's. He built his home, family and finally had most of his assets invested in bonds (having divested his real estate holdings back in '96). And so, we've become focused on using our 2nd home and property as our home base .. with about 3 months on the road. Frankly, we'll be using our timeshare to travel and see the USA as well as plan some special vacations. Each year, we have about 1 month of vacation using our timeshare. In addition, we now have about 4 months of unused time in the bank, which we can use either for a very special vacation or as part of our ongoing 3 months "away from the cold". Having been away from NY for 18 years, we're also looking forward to spending more time with family and friends. However, that too, will be more "home BBQ" than days of old. We're just more into the simple life .. and low cost lifestyle. Slowly, we've been withdrawing from our more extravagant life style even thou we're doing much less home cooking. But, I'm still hoping to continue my home cooking (just less than I might have done in younger days). Our main interest is in enjoying our Golden Years with Mr Lucky enjoying nature. Nights and rainy days will include more movie watching, home Checkout some memories of my last enjoyable visit with Dad. I took the train cross country and spent time just talking, eating and catching up with life. Bitter/sweet times, eh. Holy Saturday, a favorite since childhood .. making ready for the "resurrection" and our time of celebration. Having finally completed our sale of the main business real estate, taxes, and making ready plans to leave for vacation and Schroon River (now May 6th) Retuning to our beloved home in early December 👫🐾🎟🚗🗺 Tomorrow morning is our 4th showing and we celebrate Easter at Hacienda Del Sol. Hoping your holidays are happy and healthy 👨👩👧👦❤️ Paulina Cortes-De Lorenzo, John E De Lorenzo and I thank God for our blessings and whatever comes next. While we hope our home sells, we will continue to enjoy life in whatever God has in store for us 😇 God bless us all So many memories over the years, and tomorrow we'll be "doing it again". Updates will be posted after our family celebration.
Lessons Learned Along the WayAs I've seen old people do, they try to give advice. We'll with little now to do or be concerned with, I'm (like the Godfather movie) sitting in the garden sipping wine and thinking often about life. So, take some free advice or don't .. it won't effect me or mine. But, regardless of what you do, think .. plan .. and, most important, act in your own best interests. For those that value my advise, pass it on .. Loving others is common to all religions, and even those that are atheists. It doesn't cost anything to help, but it can cost you and yours lots by not helping. So, be happy and best wishes always. Now, on with my thoughts ... This isn't original, but I now believe them because of life .. not realizing these along the way.
Learning, the Hard WayI was taught several lessons that I now value more then ever. First, love one another. Second, do your best and do it every day. Third, know what you can change and what you can't (and wisdom is the difference). So, when I was very young, I thought I knew it all (sound familiar?). Being a child of 1, my first goal was to have a "family, a home and the means to pay for it all". I really believed I could create life (a family) that would love and support us all for our lifetime. So, I got married early (at 22), then I bought my 1st home (putting down my 20% on a then $50k house) and had 2 daughters by age 32. I loved it all, but spent my time on the "paying for it all". Then, I discovered my life (marriage) ended. It now seems we were both seeking different goals. But, that's another story. Despite having loved it all, it ended in 1981. For many years, life was good. But, for the last 7 years of my marriage, it wan't so good. Although I thought back then staying for the sake of the kids was a must, but I couldn't make it work. Incidentally, I was determined (despite being heir to a fortune) to do it on my own. Now, realize my dad believed that each of us had to carry our own way. Dad always thought that you did what you could (all the time) for the family, and you earned your own living. So, I being determined to live up to his expectations, always worked. Before I was in my teens, I earned money from odd jobs and some shows as an entertainer. Then, I got my first full-time job at 22, and believed I was on my way. I was earning $6,500/yr even after graduating with my MBA and an IT certification. My passion for business and IT would allow me to earn $63k/yr by 1985 in the corporate world. During one chat, I was advised to "settle down" as I was being paid in the top 2%. So, I settled down, but also did work on a consulting basis and worked with my dad's real estate. This would supplement our income and allow life to evolve again. Lessons Learned, The Hard WayThere were so many, but I kept missing them. First, blood is thicker than water .. but not real friendships. Family believed and more important were firm in that I make my own way. This is not to say they didn't provide when I was young and growing up, but later (when I needed help during hard times, they looked the other way). I know this is hard to believe, and they did periodically help in certain ways, but frankly I had to make it on my own. My dad, being wise and having learned the hard way (divorce) advised me to get my life setup before trying to make a family and pick up all the hardships. But, I didn't follow his advice, paying for it for many years .. financially and worse, emotionally. I now see it completely his way. Marriage is great, but you need to be set before you invite trouble (lol). If you get set, and have a prenup in place, then parting of the ways can be made easier .. considering the high rate of failure today. Both Paulina and I worked, earning and spending (us, ex-family, etc) about $10k/month .. and, we only had son John when Paulina was 40. This is not to say we had it easy, but looking back we did what we had to do, and paid for it all. Considering it all, I was lucky, and thank God and Paulina for our "Happy Days". Love is Lovelier the 2nd Time AroundWhen my first marriage ended, I thought it best to leave it all to my wife and girls. So, I lived with my then best friend Peter, and a few months later in a family owned, rent free unit. But, when I got serious with Paulina, I was literally turned out. This too would prove to be a blessing (and that's been an ongoing story). Both Paulina and I had been married, and after a 2 year living together situation, got married, had son John and were working harder than ever. Hopefully, many will survive and thrive, but this doesn't happen without making it happen .. and can fail over and over. My life, and my family's life has been an open book. And, I'm still excited about today and even more about tomorrow. Thanks for viewing, and being part of our world. John We finally got it all together, it's been an interesting experience thinking about our future. On the surface, so many factors. But, underneath it all, we've known what we've wanted for many years. We just celebrated Paulina's and my birthdays, and have been getting focused on our real dreams, and now, our plans. Our plan is simple, enjoy both of our homes (Tucson and Warrensburg), until our home in Tucson sells. And if it doesn't sell, we'll be renting it out .. until it sells. We'll be commuting between the 2, with Winter months spent in pursuit of "Endless Summer" in Tucson. Hopefully, we can enjoy up to 8-9 months at Schroon River, with our time away limited to 3-4 months. "We 3", on the RoadPaulina, Lucky and I will be commuting between our 2 homes while our home is for sale. And if and when it sells, we still plan to live our Winters in the Southeast for 3-5 months. This will allow us to enjoy the weather, and limit our time on the road. Currently, we're thinking "Hot Springs, AK" so that our trip from Schroon River is only about 1,000 miles, and our trip from there to see son John is only about 1,600 miles. We stayed at various hotels, but really enjoyed the "Holiday Inn", see some memories of our 3 day stay in Hot Springs, AK. Using Our Timeshare Points to Vacation While We're On The RoadWe've been a Timeshare Owner since November '99. Meaning we bought 1 week back then, and then in 2015, we bought another week. Our Timeshare (SPG) is merging with Marriott and now the places all around the world are almost endless. We pay for maintenance fees, which give us about 1 month on the road to enjoy our hotels amenities. This year, we're staying for 2 weeks in the Berkshire Mountains, MA beginning on May 13th. Then, we'll be staying at Myrtle Beach, NC on the way back to Tucson. We're also now planning on doing something special for Paulina's 75th Birthday, which is 2 years away. Just a thought, we've got 190,000 points in the bank which we can use to do something special. So, what to do .. that's the question. Paulina and I have always wanted to see Barcelona, and perhaps Tuscany or other parts of Europe. Both of us have our very early roots in Spain, with mine dating back to 1522 .. Spain to Italy, eh. Dad, and my step mother Lisa, enjoyed cruising to Europe, and we may too. The We 3, may do the trip via a cruise to allow us to be together and enjoy our Golden Years. Furnished Apartments, While We're Away for the WinterWe've always talked about living for 3 months in different parts of the country. So, I checked out the price and found lots of fun places. I used $700/month for 3 months and found lots and lots of nice places.
And, while we're on the road, using our timeshare points for Sheraton, Marriott, etc to see the USA. Frankly, there's really not much to post .. and, that's wonderful. During the past month we've been busy with everything i.e., getting our house ready to sell, seeing the doctors for our annual physicals, and closing out the last of our real estate investments, working with our Tax Accountant for our '16 filings, as well as doing lots and lots of personal and home interests. I also included a photo video of our family celebration of Paulina's 73 birthday, which was on April 4th in my last post. You can view all of 'em since we returned in Feb. We made reservations for a vacation in the Berkshire Mountains, beginning on May 13th for 2 weeks, as well as a 2nd vacation at Myrtle Beach for 12 days beginning on November 11th. We've also given some thought to a special trip for us and our beloved Mr Lucky to tour Europe in anticipation of Paulina's 75th Birthday, .. a cruise to Spain, then a month seeing the sights of Barcelona and Tuscany. The only real event left, before we leave, is for a return to Hacienda Del Sol for Easter, and I've included last year's family fun. We'll be the same group, with much of the same food and fanfare, but we're always ready for Easter, the top Christian holiday times. I'm also suspending most of my hobby business activities to try and update our movie database. My priority is on the movies as we plan to leave as much of the home staging as possible, and I want to use our library for the new Plex Server. Naturally, we're excited about our upcoming six months, which will allow us to fully enjoy our Summer Place in the Adirondacks. We're also expecting lots of family and friends to visit (as we've held back due to the work, etc). There's lots of side activities also happening, i.e., shopping for a more trip friendly car, thinking about what to do if and when our house sells (Holiday Inn for sure) until we decide on our future. Short term it's the best alternative in that for about $3,ooo/month, we don't have to do anything more than pack light. We now believe, we can enjoy Schroon River from May thru November or later .. and, may only need a place for 3-4 months. Long term, we may want more property and/or a house for enjoying a more personal lifestyle and the great outdoors. Considering we now know we want "Endless Summer", we're currently thinking about property and a home somewhere in the South .. i.e., Hot Springs, AK and Bowling Green, KY. But, since we haven't begun our search yet, that's very tentative. I don't expect another update until we have something to show for it, that is in May during our vacation in the Berkshires. And then, again in June after we've arrived at Schroon River. So, I hope your life and vacation plans are going well. Also, Happy Easter for you and yours, John You don't list a home, you list a house. That's the real world thinking. So, we decluttered and removed our personal effects. However, we (having been the buyers at one time), really would have liked seeing how the home was used. We're not alone, people will buy a home to enjoy and entertain. So, I'm including some sights as we would have liked seeing that show us living and enjoying our exploits. Check out some links and videos. Our website includes lots of family and friends, visiting with us. Click on the link! I've got a complete YouTube Playlist showing it all, click on the link to see. Hope you enjoy your online visit, eh! There's also a separate YouTube BBQ Playlist showing lots of daily and fun memories.
Checkout my webpages too, BBQ Times Great Outdoors We're enjoyed 35 years together, and we've seen .. done .. and enjoyed it all. Even thou we all must let go of yesterday, we remember it all. As in our past, Paulina and I have lived our life and have had our ups and downs, we moved on. While we remember the good times, and enjoy our blessings, it's time for us to "move on" again. Up until 2016, we spent too much time, effort and money enjoying "the good life". Besides all the responsibility for managing our home and business, we have been thinking about a "better way". Our expenses for our good life, were $400k for 2016. And, despite our setting up our beloved home, son John wants a simpler life too. So, the simple facts were that we could sell our home, reinvest the proceeds, and enjoy all of our remaining days seeing the USA and ridding ourselves of the time, effort and money. More specifically, we've decided to invest the proceeds in our tax free bond portfolio, as well as cut our expenses current expenses by $135k (for our home in Tucson, real estate business, vacations, Paulina's BMW. As a result of both our expense reductions, as well as our additional bond/real estate income ($100k-$150k), we will have lots more freedom to spend our time, effort and money enjoying a better "good life". Our projected expense for our new life is about $100k/year with the rest of going into our savings and investments! With our Real Estate holdings liquidated, it's time for us to let go of our beloved home in Tucson. We're moving towards living a more country style life in both Schroon River and a winter home in the Southeast. This will allow us to enjoy "Endless Summer". Besides our personal goals, we decided that it will simply be a better life. We can eliminate the high overhead, reinvest the proceeds in our bonds and new real estate holdings. In addition, we've learned that we really like "living out of a suitcase" and staying at various hotels while we're on the road. The average night's stay is about $100/night, and it includes everything .. big breakfast and snacks as well as cable tv, pool, etc). Well, we have owned a timeshare (SPG) since 1999 and get 2 weeks of stays each year. (click on the link for more info). If and when our house sells, we'll be spending $3,000/month staying at our hotels either until we find a new place or, maybe, for the coming years! Besides we have accumulated 190,00o points in the "bank". The cost of a night's stay averages about 4,000 points with some of the resort/upscale nights costing as much as 10,000 points. So, the point being, is that our road trips are already being paid for, all we pay is about $500 for our gas between Tucson and Schroon River Road. Since we now eat less, as we grow older, Checkout the show, Warrensburg, NY to Texas for some fun memories of our trip back from Schroon River, it includes our stay in Hot Springs, AR. No rush, although we too hope it sells, we're already moving on .. We now also love our place upstate and we'll be enjoying both homes. We also want to find a new Winter place that will let us visit John in Tucson as well as return to Schroon River. While it's premature, we think that somewhere between AR and KY would fit the bill. Meanwhile, as the saying goes, we'll continue to enjoy what we have. 💑🐾☕️🛣 March MadnessBesides our adventures in the "Brave New World", we've been having fun. Some fun times and our work (Taxes, Home Prep, etc). Come see some fun memories. My "Hobby Business" was setup, now the infrastructure will allow me to work on the fun stuff over the coming 4 months, adding my Papa's Recipes and lots of our samples. My goal is to create my online education courses between now and August (Fall Semester opens in September). We invested about $2,000 for the addition of a 2nd server (backup and development), as well as most of March in setting up the infrastructure to setup and maintain my websites, HomeBASE hosting, and my HomeBASE University. Hated doing all the work, but now I can work on the fun stuff, my recipes, online courses, and more of my personal interests, i.e. recipes, movies, photography, etc. Paulina is now free too, and can spend her time without the hassle of us at home and work. I'm also busy working on our Plex Server to house all my movies and TV shows. In the past, I used both iTunes and other approaches, but now I want to use Plex to enable us and our extended family to view our library anywhere. I've got about 1,000 movies and 3,000 tv shows to move .. work, but worth it to me. I love my movies, recipes, music, etc. Paulina, Lucky and I (The We 3) leave for Schroon River on May 1st. So, watch for our new sight seeing adventures next month. More April Showers Coming Next MonthHey, We'll be busy in April. First, we already had one home showing and we've got another one setup for today (Broker Preview for his client). I'm already planning on shipping some more personal stuff (clothes, my movie library, my cookbooks, etc). These will be shipped after we leave, but in time for our arrival. The more we get done now, the easier it will be when the time comes for the "big move". I've already gotten an estimate from the guys who moved us from SaddleBrooke in 2011, .. if we move it all, the expense will be about $8 to $10k. However, we now plan on letting son John keep what he wants, selling some and moving what remains to Schroon River and/or our new home in the Southeast. Back to the Good Life, we've already got our plans and reservations for some fun stuff too. Paulina's Birthday (April 4th) at Downtown Kitchen (same as my birthday on March 5th. Easter Sunday (April 16th). with the family again. Checkout some memories of both below! Time to Do Something UsefulThis is my monthly update, depressing? (lol). Well, I enjoy seeing the fun side of life. The reality of it all is that I was getting bored with not doing, and wanted to see if I could resurrect my old work as an independent IT consultant and contractor. So, I have created a new hobby business for users, students and 3rd party vendors. Hopefully, even thou there's snow on the roof, the fire in my heart yearns to get back in harness. My business, where everything old is new again, will provide personal and business applications, as well as consulting and project management. Checkout my new De Lorenzo Times - Online site for more information. With all that said, we're still enjoying daily life. The past month was, as usual, filled with fun and sun. BTW, we enjoyed a family celebration for my 72nd birthday. Checkout some memories in the shows included. This month, it's get our medial checkups, as well as our home chores done (especially before we head back to the Adirondacks. BTW, I've been building a new "Summertime and the Living is Easy" Playlist for our times since returning from the Adirondacks, should you want to view our exploits. Daylight Savings and Spring is Here, enjoy! Our prior site (Victoria's Restaurant) was a simple blog with some text, links and limitations.
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